The Battle You’re In: October, 20 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan

This week Pastor Jon delves into the spiritual battle that Christians face, focusing on understanding our true enemy, Satan, and the nature of the warfare we are engaged in. Pastor Jon emphasizes that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. He stresses that people are not our enemies; rather, they are the ones we are fighting for.

A significant aspect of the sermon is the focus on the warfare of the mind. Pastor Jon explains that much of the spiritual battle occurs in our thoughts. We learn that Satan uses deception and accusation to attack believers, primarily through our thoughts. He aims to make us question God's truth and our identity in Christ. Understanding our identity in Christ is vital to overcoming Satan's accusations. Our strength and victory come not from our own efforts but from the finished work of Jesus. By standing firm in this truth, we can dismantle strongholds and resist the enemy's schemes.


The Battle You’re In: October, 27 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan


The Battle You’re In: October, 13 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan