What should I expect?

Our in-person worship services begin at 10:00AM. Arrive early and connect with others, grab a cup of coffee, and find a seat in our sanctuary.

Services begin with a time of worship as we lift up praise and thank God for all that he’s done. Each week Pastor Jon Zondervan will bring a sermon to inspire and grow our passion for Jesus through God’s Word. Weekend services at Radiant Church are the place for you to connect with our community, grow in your faith, and deepen your connection with Jesus.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code at Radiant. We believe God cares more about the condition of your heart than your outward appearance. Feel free to dress up or come in jeans and a favorite t-shirt; whatever makes you comfortable.

How can I get more involved?

“Radiant Central” is located in our lobby, and is your information hub for any questions you may have. A member of our welcome team would love to connect with you after each service!

Find Us


12932 168th Ave
Grand Haven, MI 49417



Parking Information

Parking is located in a private lot surrounding our building. Our Main Entrance can be found on the north side of the building. Look for our Team Radiant volunteers to greet you as you enter. If you require any assistance, let them know and they’d be happy to help you!

radiant church lakeshore grand haven churches near me spirit empowered

Radiant Kids

Radiant Kids is passionate about partnering with families to raise up radiant disciples of Jesus Christ! The Radiant Kids Ministry is a family-oriented ministry, focused on hosting life-changing encounters in the Lord’s presence through prayer and worship, laying a foundation of faith that will last a lifetime, and engaging families in Spirit-empowered, global mission.

Check-in begins 15 minutes before service.

Safety Information

During check-in, children and parents/guardians receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags to ensure your child’s safety. The child’s nametag identifies their classroom and a security code that matches the pick-up tag. Parent/Guardian picking up a child must provide the matching pick-up tag in order for the child to be released.

All Team Radiant volunteers serving in Radiant Kids receive a background check.

radiant church lakeshore grand haven churches near me spirit empowered

Let Us Know You’re Coming!

We look forward to meeting you soon, connect with us and let us help you get plugged in at Radiant!