The Battle You’re In: December 1, 2024 | Pastor Tim Matthews
This weekend was the final week of the series, and Pastor Tim Matthews delivered a powerful sermon emphasizing that Jesus ultimately wins over evil and the devil. He explored biblical passages, highlighting God's promise of victory through Jesus, who was sent to destroy the works of the enemy. The message reminds us to engage in spiritual warfare with faith, repentance, and unity within the church as a supportive family. Ultimately, Pastor Tim encouraged us as believers to embrace our victory in Christ and seek His strength in our battles.
The Battle You’re In: November 24, 2024 | Pastor Jon Zondervan
In this weekends sermon we focus on Intercession and what it means to stand in the gap. Pastor Jon emphasizes the importance of prayer as a spiritual weapon in the ongoing battle of spiritual warfare, particularly focusing on intercessory prayer. He urges us to pray for all people, including those in authority, as God desires everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved. Prayer not only impacts others but also transforms the hearts of those who pray and ultimatley we as believers are called to be active in interceding for others while recognizing the profound significance of our prayers and role in God's kingdom.
The Battle You’re In: November 17, 2024 | Pastor Jon Zondervan
This weekend we learned the significance of worship as both a lifestyle and an activity, and the reality that everyone worships something. Worship is a powerful weapon against the attacks of the enemy, Pastor Jon highlighted the at biblical examples of Paul and Silas as well as King Jehoshaphat to illustrate how worship can lead to deliverance and victory. Pastor Jon defined worship as an offering to God, stressing the importance of humility and focus on Him rather than personal preferences. Ultimately, we are encouraged to recognize the battle for our worship and to confidently use it as a weapon in our spiritual lives.
The Battle You’re In: November 10, 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan
In this week’s message Pastor Jon discusses spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer as a weapon for Christians. He emphasizes that true strength comes not from ourselves but from the Lord, highlighting the necessity of putting on God’s armor to stand against the enemy's schemes. As believers we are encouraged to approach God with childlike dependence, understanding that prayer is the language of the Kingdom and should be our first response in all situations. Through prayer, we connect with God’s power and align ourselves with His will, which leads to true victories in our lives.
The Battle You’re In: November 3, 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan
This week we continue the Battle You’re in series and the focus of putting on the full armor of God including the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and notably, the sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word. This week Pastor Jon stresses the importance of understanding and internalizing Scripture, indicating that it's vital for effectively navigating life's challenges and combating the enemy’s lies. We are encouraged to build our own spiritual "sword" through diligent study and application of the Scriptures, reinforcing that knowledge of God's truth sets us free and equips us for the battles ahead.
The Battle You’re In: October, 27 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan
This week Pastor Jon explores Paul's message to the Ephesians, urging them to stand strong in the Lord and to put on the full armor of God for spiritual battle. He emphasizes that our true enemies are not people, but the spiritual forces of darkness, illustrating this with examples from scripture and Paul's imprisonment for proclaiming Jesus as Lord. Each piece of armor—truth, righteousness, readiness with the gospel, faith, and salvation—serves a specific purpose in protecting believers against the enemy's schemes. Ultimately, Pastor Jon encourages us to actively engage with our faith and the Word of God to navigate the challenges and deceptions of the world around us.
The Battle You’re In: October, 20 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan
This week Pastor Jon delves into the spiritual battle that Christians face, focusing on understanding our true enemy, Satan, and the nature of the warfare we are engaged in. Pastor Jon emphasizes that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. He stresses that people are not our enemies; rather, they are the ones we are fighting for.
A significant aspect of the sermon is the focus on the warfare of the mind. Pastor Jon explains that much of the spiritual battle occurs in our thoughts. We learn that Satan uses deception and accusation to attack believers, primarily through our thoughts. He aims to make us question God's truth and our identity in Christ. Understanding our identity in Christ is vital to overcoming Satan's accusations. Our strength and victory come not from our own efforts but from the finished work of Jesus. By standing firm in this truth, we can dismantle strongholds and resist the enemy's schemes.
The Battle You’re In: October, 13 2024| Pastor Jon Zondervan
In this first installment of the 8 week series, Pastor Jon emphasizes the reality of the spiritual battle we face, which is not always visible but nonetheless existent, and that the devil is a real adversary who seeks to undermine our faith and keep us from realizing our victory through Jesus. We learn that the community of believers—the church—is framed as a vital component in this battle. Pastor Jon highlights the term "Koinonia," meaning fellowship, which defines the church's unity and purpose beyond mere gatherings.